Mars Snackfood is a pet care, confectionary, and Food Brands Company.

116 Ring Rd, Wendouree, VIC, 3355
Water Use:
General use of water throughout the manufacturing process.
The company started off its water saving initiatives by making simple improvements such as fixing leaks, reviewing wash down procedures and assessing all equipment that uses water. They also installed a storm water retention bunker. This water is treated and used in cooling towers, toilets and showers. They also purchased a reverse osmosis filtration unit, which was installed to help reduce water consumption by decreasing boiler blow down and increasing recycling capacity. Mars also purchased a drum warmer to eliminate the use of hot water for melting caramel in drums. The infrastructural works detailed here was also partnered by an awareness campaign that reminded associates of the company's policy on water conservation.
The stormwater retention bunker saved approx 25ML per year. The plant’s overall water usage peaked at over 180ML in 2001 and fell to just over 100ML in 2008. Additional 20ML savings were hoped for, but below average rainfall in 2008 significantly reduced stormwater capture and the RO unit consumed additional water.