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Ballarat Grammar is one of the region’s oldest, independent Anglican Church schools. It has 1350 students, including 220 boarders.


201 Forest St, Wendouree, VIC, 3355

Water Use:

Water use at Ballarat Grammar is primarily attributed to basic household practices including running the taps, having showers, outdoor hoses and drinking water.


Ballarat Grammar embarked on a program to save water and energy. The projects included:

Installing low-flow shower heads, flow control valves, dual-flush toilets and waterless urinals.

Capturing stormwater from car parks and tennis courts, which, together with overflow from some of the rainwater tanks, is channelled into a dam, then used on cricket ovals, vegetable gardens, livestock and fruit trees.

Installing a series of rainwater tanks, both above and below ground (this water is used in a variety of applications including heating and air conditioning).

Recycling grey and sewage water for toilet flushing.

Developing a program to increase students’ awareness of the importance of saving water and energy.


Ballarat Grammar reduced its consumption from over 30 million litres (ML) per annum to just over 14 ML. This amounts to an overall reduction of over 50%.