Tap In, launched in late 2016, was Water Corporation’s state-wide community engagement and customer research program that ran over an 18 month period.

Tap In
Tap In was designed to help identify which issues are of most importance to their customers, which solutions to those issues customers most value and their willingness to pay for each of those solutions. Ultimately it was designed to build these preferences into the organisation’s corporate strategy and financial decision making processes in order to drive a more customer centric water utility. It was the largest program of this nature ran by Water Corporation, in which they invited customers from across the state to join the conversation through focus groups, large scale customer workshops, surveys and an on online portal.
The results provided a clear insight into customer’s expectations for a modern day water utility. Interestingly customer expectations around environmental management, and a strong preference for sustainable water sources came through as some of the most important issues for customers. In fact customers expect the Water Corporation to broaden their mandate in this space and to take more of leadership position within the WA community on environmental issues. In addition they would like to see the community educated and supported to do more to reduce their water consumption. They expect Water Corporation to inform the community about water saving solutions, increase their water knowledge, and monitor, manage and help them reduce their water usage.

Nature Knows Best
Out of the findings of the Tap In Program Water Corporation developed the Nature Knows Best campaign. Using humour to advocate change, the campaign aims to draw people in and make them advocates of behaviour change. The video takes the form of a mockumentary-style concept about a crew of wildlife vigilantes who ensure that the community stays water wise. The campaign was seen on TV, social media and out in the community. Water Corporation has measured the success of the Nature Knows Best campaign through water literacy and waterwise behaviours in the community.
To learn more of the Nature Knows Best campaign, click the link below!
About Water Corporation
Water Corporation provides water, wastewater and drainage services across 2.6 million square kilometres of Western Australia.