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Using their own land, South East Water has teamed up with Villawood Properties on a unique residential development collaboration. Built on a former wastewater treatment plant site, Aquarevo will be the most water and energy efficient residential community in Australia. Residents will enjoy the benefits of smart design and leading edge, intelligent water solutions.


Aquarevo homes will:

  • Feature a high-tech rain to hot water system for bathing and showering that includes screening, filtering, treatment and temperature sensing devices.
  • Connect to a pressure sewer system that pumps wastewater into a water recycling plant within the estate, treats the water to Class A standard, and then sends it back to each home for use in the garden, toilet or washing machine.
  • Feature rainwater tanks with technology that receives weather forecasts – then releases water before heavy rainfall to minimise overflows or flooding in local waterways.
  • Connect to a OneBox® device that controls the water technology in each home. This device can remotely monitor the pressure sewer and reads each home’s water and energy use.

White Gum Valley

White Gum Valley (WGV) is an award winning, innovative housing development from LandCorp and the University of Western Australia. Setting a new standard for water-wise development in Western Australia, homes in the WGV development will use 60-70% less drinking water than an average home in Perth.

The development includes a communal groundwater irrigation system with rainwater harvesting; this system demonstrates how to transform an infiltration basin eyesore into a sought-after public space. Homes are fitted with smart dual-meters, which can alert residents to their water usage and savings, while providing an early warning of any leaks or supply issues. Landscaping initiatives include incorporating micro swales and vegetated basins to minimise stormwater runoff, whereas tree pits are used to retain water in root wells.

The many water saving initiatives incorporated in the estate saw it become the first development in Western Australia to achieve the Water Corporation’s Waterwise Development status!

About South East Water

South East Water delivers water, sewerage and recycled water services to 1.7 million people across Melbourne’s south east.