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In response to contamination of the ground water supply in the regional town of Katherine, Power and Water implemented their Living Water Smart Demand Management Program to reduce peak season water consumption.

Katherine ‘Cloud to Cup Education Program’

A unique school education program was devised and implemented, focusing on both traditional Indigenous concepts valuing water and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education. The program was delivered over a single day and covered three themes:

  1. Traditional Indigenous Australian water use - How does water shape traditional Indigenous culture in Katherine? The students met with the local indigenous owners at a culturally significant site (Nitmiluk Gorge) and explored the importance of water in traditional culture.
  2. Present day water - How does water get from ‘cloud to cup’ in our lives today? Students heard and interacted with the Power and Water scientists and engineers who provide safe drinking water for the community.
  3. Pledge - What is my role in ensuring water for the future? After learning of the significance of water to indigenous cultures, how much effort is involved in delivering safe drinking water today and how important it is to conserve water, each student made a pledge of their own to help save precious drinking water.

About Power and Water Corporation

Power and Water Corporation is a government owned corporation. It provides a range of services including distributing electricity and delivering water sewage services across the Northern Territory.